Success in managing young horses saddle fit over the last 7 years

A few thoughts from a long time client, and now friend, Allison Schultz, MA, EECF Co-founder Author of The Art of Being Human at Work 

A Perfect Fit is a Perennial Essential For All the Horses, Every Year

McKinley has been helping me find the perfect fit and the right saddles for my growing horses since 2018, and her expertise and growing line of saddle (and accessory!) options has been invaluable. (I joke to my husband that McKinley is my dealer in all things Italian Leather.)

Having young horses means that I'm committed to their growth and what they need to train at their best. No pinching, digging, or unnecessary looseness allowed. We have a healthy backs only policy at my barn. This means, I am evaluating my equipment every year (if not multiple times a year) to make sure that my horses' have the right saddle, pads, and girths.

Every back and barrel is different, so each horse needs their own things to fit perfectly. McKinley comes out for fit checks a couple times a year to make sure we're not only riding in style, but that everyone is comfortable in their saddle-outfits.  

We've navigated 3 young, growing and developing horses over the years. This has meant a documentation of the way their backs and shoulders have changed over the years as well due to natural development, training and rehab moments.  We always check for fit of the saddle itself, as well as any temporary adjustments that can or need to be made via pads or shims. Since I have young horses (who are now maturing - thank heavens!) I had budgeted the cost of a new saddle annually, because it's non-negotiable when it comes to their health and happiness.

What got us started, was changing into an older model Equipe Viktoria in 2018. I remember I was riding in the saddle in the indoor arena at the barn I was boarding at, and other barn friends were in the arena as well. As my horse Prince and I moved through our paces, the ride was easeful and a marked positive difference from our other rides in the saddle I was moving away from. It was such a difference, that my friend Maggie said, "He's moving so well. You HAVE to get that saddle!" The horse liked it, the fitter liked it, onlookers could see a difference, and I loved the ride. The verdict was in: Sold!

That led me to a few different Equipe models over the years for my 3 horses. I have loved each and every one, and usually have been a bit sad when I needed to get a new model for a new fit.

Last year, we tried the Aviars on the horses as they were up for a new model. The flexible fit was a great solution for the herd's maturing but still developing backs, and the ride was phenomenal. The Aviar put me in the perfect position, with no struggle at all. It made riding easeful for both me and the horse since they were not fighting any imbalances from my position; it gave them a chance to shine. One of my horses went from crabby under saddle to pleasant and forward again just from changing to a better fit. I am a believer and a fan of the Aviars. If you get a chance to ride in one (if it fits your horse of course!), do! 

Allison Schultz

Spring thoughts

As Spring rolls in; the horses start to shed, the birds are chirping and I am suddenly re-motivated like it is my first time ever prepping for a show season; my mind is spinning with ideas and thoughts and goals for the year. I know I am not the only one.

I wanted to take this moment before we are all busy to express a few of the most important points that have come to me lately.

I am DEEPLY and forever grateful for the time I have been able to spend all over the world with the WORLD'S BEST in the industry... literally, all coming together to learn, to share wisdom and real-world experience, and solve hard-to-fit challenges; ALL in an effort to create Perfect Fit Solutions for our Clients - Horse and Human alike.

In the last couple years alone to name a few;

  • Wellington, Florida to meet the Prestige Saddles crew in the headquarters that make things run so smoothly, meet with the companies owner and the CEO of the US market, the head fitter, and meet all of the US, Mexico and Canadian fitters as well as fit some of the countries best horse/rider combos.

  • Walsall, United Kingdom to visit the Custom Saddlery and Aviar Saddles factory and saddle makers as well as Cary Wallace to learn and watch real time fitting

  • Lexington, Kentucky to see the Italian owners of Amerigo and Equipe Saddles again and meet with World Equestrian Brands, Robin Moore and fit team to go over EVERY single saddle model, tree shape and fit logistics with real time fitting at an eventing farm.

  • Ocala, Florida to meet Peter Menet, master saddler and designer for fitting training.

  • Del Mar, California to watch the top of the sport at the show grounds and spend time with my friends, fellow fitters, and TPFS sponsored riders.

  • Aiken, SC to watch the master Conrad Schumacher and my lifelong friend Sarah Dodge teach, these clinics bring me back to what is important every single time. The fundamentals of the sport that are so lacking.

  • Foundations of Fit with Holly Barnett- an online course and live training on Equine Posture, compensation patterns, and saddle fit.

I have been to on so many factory tours - meeting every person involved in bringing you the best saddles in the world from founders / business leaders / product designers / factory teams /fitters and saddle makers. As an independent fitter I am extremely lucky to gain knowledge directly from brands in order to best understand the products and help my clients. I pride myself on carrying many brands for all different horses and riders. There is truly something for everyone within every budget, shape and size and customization options. For me to be able to evaluate a horse and pick what’s truly BEST for that horse is a blessing and I will never change my business model which allows me to do this.

My Saddle-Fitting Philosophy and Core Business Practice:

1. I am, and always will be, an "Independent Saddle Fitter"

This independence is critical to me being able to optimize my saddle fits - for your beloved horse, and their beloved rider.

My ability to choose from amongst multiple world-class saddle brands means I can create the most Perfect Fit possible - for you and your horse.

If I allowed myself to be pressured by one saddle brand/manufacturer into force fitting their product onto my client's horse's back - the potential pain and suffering and damage could never be justified by the increased short-term profit that is the goal of all high-pressure sales tactics.

Our Approach:

The Perfect Fit = literal Win-Win-WIN outcomes... 

for our clients and their horses… and me :)

I did not start this business to get rich, obviously. ;)

I love horses.  I always have.  And I LOVE Dressage.  And have since my first rides and training - when I was 8 years old.  Over 22 years ago I fell in love with these unmatched animals and the gorgeous art and science we call "Dressage" . . . 

When we work together - You and I - and we strive to select the BEST POSSIBLE FIT - insuring comfort and confidence for YOU - while optimizing the performance AND long-term health of your horse - we get to sleep well at night knowing we did our honest best to provide a great saddle solution - without prioritizing profit or brand loyalty or some other less-than-perfect-integrity motivation.

Carrying different brands insures a truly perfect fit for the horses; no brand behind me pushing sales, no sales training to make certain that specific products are purchased, just purely what’s best for the horses. Thank you to everyone who trusts me with the care of their horses back and finding The Perfect Fit ❤️